BALB/c nude

General Information

Strain Name

Balb/c nude

Common Name

BALB/c nu mice


Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co., Ltd.



Coat color



The BALB/c-nu mice are hairless, developmentally delayed, have low resistance, poor mothering ability, and are prone to severe infections; they have a thymus deficiency, which is inherited as a recessive trait on the 11th pair of chromosomes; they have T cell immune deficiency, normal B cells, and high NK cell activity; they lack contact sensitivity and transplant rejection reactions. Additionally, they have a low incidence of breast tumors, a 21% occurrence of lung cancer, 8% of reticulum cell tumors, 6% of hemangiomas, and 4.5% of lymphomas. Most male mice develop splenic amyloidosis before 20 months of age, are prone to diarrhea in young mice, and develop heart disease and multiple atherosclerosis in older mice.


1. Growth curve of BALB/c nu mice


Fig1. Growth curve of BALB/c nu mice

2. Blood physiological and biochemical parameters in BALB/c nu mice


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Fig. 2. Blood physiological and biochemical parameters of BALB/c nu mice at different weekly ages

BALB/c nu Mice Applications

1. Immunobiology, immunopathology, transplantation immunity, tumor immunity, viral and bacterial immunology

2. Leprosy, thymus function study and parasitic infection

3. Establishment of human cancer transplantation tumor model and chemotherapeutic study of anti-tumor drugs

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